Sunday, January 3, 2010

Taking a new mobile connection

Now you must be thinking whats so great to blog about taking a mobile connection. It is , because every bad experience teaches you more than a good one.

Even though it is so simple to get a new connection these days but lot of small small things will frustrate you. With so many agents in every nook and corner its hard to trust anyone.

Documents :
Usually you need following documents
-- Identification Proof , can be PAN , Voters ID , Passport etc
-- Address Proof - Electric Bill , Land line Bill etc
-- Photo - passport size

What my experience says :
1. Understand the plan very well for which you are opting, Local STD SMS Roaming etc all the charges

2. Don't take the connection with the agent who has a fix shop/spot so that you can trace him in case of issues.

3. Don't give originals of supporting document in any case

4. Make sure to have a XEROX of application you are submitting

5. Don't leave it to agent to fill the form specially Plan choices , Address and other important info as you will suffer a lot for his/her mistake in future.

6. In case of any security deposit amount , make sure to make the check in the name of Mobile provider company and not individual. Avoid CASH business.

7. Check charges and process to change plan in future. This is very important and don't miss this one out.

Some more tips on usage :
1. In our virtually busy world we don't have time to look at bill details. Make sure to review the 1st few bills in detail

2. Register online on the provide website for alerts to avoid overdue bill payments charges.

3. In case you planning to cancel an existing cancel, make sure to call helpline and settle all the dues by paying outstanding amount get a reference number for the request. You will thank me for this :)

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